A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Francis Upchurch
Date: 2014 Jun 10, 01:36 -0700
For those who prefer the old, full sized Fuller 2, here are the intructions for LOPs. Also some pics of the new prototype mini fuller 2, in the style of the Otis King.(2 copies of the main scale.One log sine scale + curser with top (L) and bottom (S) as per the Bygrave and Otis King.(pics of old Fuller, Otis King, Bygrave for comparison) Can do everything really, much faster than the old Fuller and so now plastered in tables/long term almanacs/formulae etc . Notice the anti-slip "brake" ,similar to Gary LaPook design. Tighten the wing nut at the top, sqeezes the rubber washer made from my old sphygmomanometer (like me, recently retired!) rubber tubing, which expands easily, forming a brake against the inner cylinder. Needs watch makers lenses for accurate reading of the condensed scales.
The build details similar to all the others. Happy to supply more details on request.
Still prefer the Bygrave for most things, but not so good at Lunars. Cannot handle difAz angles greater than 900 so have to use the mini Fuller2.
Sorry for the recent outburst of postings! Out of action soon for a while in hospital, but will be keeping up with what you good folks are doing with great interest!
Frank, any more thoughts on your BRILLIANT "verticle circle collapse method"?
Best wishes to all and thanks for the fun.