A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Ivan L
Date: 2014 Oct 7, 23:47 -0700
Hello everyone,
I was reluctant to start new topic, so I figured this would be the best place to make this post. It would be in regard to one small mistake that I found in the manual.
Namely, on the page 7 (the inprinted one, not the PDF), in the chapter 1.5 "The Principles of Sextant", in the second paragraph, the author states:
"To observe objects A and B simultaneously, it is necessary to turn the indeks mirror 4 around its vertical axis at some angle."
Now, according to my knowledge, this would be wrong, as the index mirror is actually turned around it's horizontal axis.
Thinking about this, I got to admire the author, because, the mistake actually says that he was drawing the explanation directly from his knowledge and experience, because if he were just translating, than the mistake would probably not occure (but this I cannot say because I have not seen the Russian version of the manual, yet).