A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Alan S
Date: 2019 Mar 23, 19:13 -0700
Brad and Ed:
Came upon your post of 18 February, 2019 this evening, while browsing through nav list files. I have one of these devices also, described on carrying envelope as follows.
Computer Celestial
Type CPU50A/P
Mfr's Model FAA-114B
I would assume that it does essentially the same thing as the 2102-D, however the above device with it's adjustability, might provide greater accuracy, damned if I know. My efforts at Celestial Navigation are rather limited as I do not have a boat, and I get sea sick in small sail boats anyhow. When we get down to,the beach, Emerald Isle, North Carolina, I loiter about on the beach, shooting such heavenly bodies as pass or are within view, usually sun shots 4 hours or so apart, and when visible, sun and moon shots for that 2 body fix. Did once manage a 3 body fix, moon, Jupiter and Venus, the lines formed a triangle almost to small to draw, causing me to assume that my fix was pretty good. My calucated positions are usually well within 5 miles of where my GPS tells me I am. At home, I'm usually limited to shooting the sun in the parking area of the apartment complex we reside at with an artificial horizon. Now and then, I get "down town" and shoot across the Monogahela River, we reside in the Pittsburgh area. Have to use Dip Short, which likely confuses me.
Re your suggested posting of photographs, I do not believe that I know how to do that. The following descriptions might help some There is a base device, one fixed disk with rotating a rotating disk on earth side, one labeled North, the other Soufh. There is also, attached, a rotating clear plastic indicator element, to which one attaches whichever of a set of disks, there are 2, are appropriate. These disks are labeled 5 degrees through 85 degrees, north and similarly south in 10 degree increments. The 5, 15 and 25 degree disks are plain, the rest of them are 2 piece units, a base with a rotating element riveted on. While I have made some use of the 2102-D, I have not actually used the above described device. If the above description helps, you got a freebie. If it doesn't, sorry but you didn't spend any money for it. This note is written on an iPad, that has camera capabilities. I will play around with it, but I wonder as to exactly how one would send any of the pictures taken. advise or suggestions welcomed.