A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Bill Morris
Date: 2017 Mar 11, 15:14 -0800
Jan Brinkman tells me that the Plath Yachtsman were painted green, at least up to s/n 363 and then blue, at least after s/n 758. Perhaps there was an orange option around s/n 400. It seems to have been professionally painted.
The objective lens is coated and appears to be of glass, but I would go easy with volatile solvents, as it may be glued in place, at least, I cannot see a threaded retaining ring. Alcohol would probably be OK in small quantities.
Dr Andreas Philipp told me that production began in 1968, starting with s/n 100 and that at least 900 were made.
I don't like sextants that cannot be put down except in their cases, but C Plath, a reputable maker, designed cases for their later models where the optics had to be down in the case. On the other hand with the standard arrangement of handle and legs on the back, the instrument has to be juggled from one hand to the other to note the altitude and to place it in its case face up. Honours seem to be about even.
Bill Morris
New zealand