A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Jeremy C
Date: 2020 Mar 13, 05:22 -0700
Hi Tony,
To be honest, I didn't look at his numbers, I just solved the problem using the Almanac.
1.) I would like to be able to do is solve for the TIME that the GHA of the Moon is “zero°/360°” on Wednesday, March 4, 2020 between the hours of 19.00.00UT and 20.00.00UT. I don’t know how to set up the relationship that will yield the time when the GHA of the Moon = 0.
So I cracked open my trusty Nautical Almanac to March 4, 2020 and found the 1900 UTC GHA hr to be 349-15.4 with a v-correction between 7.0 at 1900 and 6.9 at 2000. Since I knew, based on the spread between the hour, the 000 GHA would be closer to 2000, i worked with the 6.9.
I didn't even really look closely at the 2000UTC GHA but it's 3-41.4 (3.69 deg), for a difference of 14-26.0. I don't use the hourly difference when using the NA for such things, so I just calculated it now. Steve will have to tell us where he obtained his numbers because they don't match the NA.