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    Re: Calculator Recommendations (Ageton Classic)
    From: Greg Rudzinski
    Date: 2017 Sep 11, 07:44 -0700


    The Ageton Classic is not a derivitive of the the Ageton Pub 211 short table so is not subject to the errors you mention.  The Ageton Classic method simply substitutes the Ageton Pub 211 log cosecant (A) and log secant (B)  for log sine and log cosine when performing sight reduction using the law of cosine formulae.  The Ageton Pub 211 method splits the navigational triagle into two right triangles. The Ageton Classic does not. 

    Greg Rudzinski

    From: Jing C
    Date: 2017 Sep 10, 22:51 -0700

    I was reading through the archives and it seems that in the Ageton-Bayless method, the Sadler technique is required when a term called K is between 82 and 98 degrees otherwise Hc could be up to 30' off. Is this also the case for Greg's Ageton Classic, or is it immune to the "forbidden zone"?

    Also, Stan, would it be possible to please re-attach your updated Ageton checker or put it in a zip archive before sending it? I tried to download it but it gave a "page not found" error



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