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    Re: Calculator v. Slide Rule for Ex-Meridian Correction
    From: Alexandre Eremenko
    Date: 2016 Jan 3, 22:43 +0000

    The problem is that the standard (25 cm) slide rule hardly gives the third digit reliably.
    As we usually do computation with one more digit than absolutely necessary,
    for practical purposes, the standard rule gives only 2.
    From: NavList@fer3.com [NavList@fer3.com] on behalf of Frank Reed [NoReply_FrankReed@fer3.com]
    Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2016 3:14 PM
    To: eremenko@math.purdue.edu
    Subject: [NavList] Re: Calculator v. Slide Rule for Ex-Meridian Correction
    The method Letcher describes for clearing lunars is a simple, efficient 
    variant of the standard series method. Of course, I have pointed this out 
    many times over the years. You can read a basic version of it in my Easy 
    Lunars essay (originally 
    posted for NavList way back in 2004). The series method requires only three 
    significant figures anc can easily be worked on a slide rule (if one is 
    compelled to apply an obsolete technology in a fashion which was never 
    employed historically). You may also get something from my post on the math 
    of clearing 
    which I wrote up for NavList last June.
    Frank Reed

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