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    Re: Can I Navigate Without an Assumed Position?
    From: Robin Jouan
    Date: 2017 Sep 13, 00:03 -0700

    Hello Hien,

    Thank you for your interest. This method is fully explained and justified in my book, which contains a CD with ASTROLAB 3 executable programs.

    "Navigation aux Astres et aux Satellites par la Méthode du Plan des Sommets", i.e. Navigation based on Stars & Satellites, via the Method of Coplanar Vertices, Marines Editions, Jan 2013, ISBN 978-2-35743-088-4.

    It is in French; but slides, formulas and figures are explicit. Its bibliography grasps 250 references, including American ones .

    You can buy it through Amazon. Let me know if you do it, I will send you a paper with a few errata.

    BR, Yves

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