A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Ron Jones
Date: 2017 Sep 22, 15:37 -0700
This question was discussed at some length in resent post and it peaked my interest ...So given the date at Greenwich and the associated Greenwich Meat Times at which the bodies were observed along with the corrected sextant altitudes (aka observed altitude) of the bodies and a Nautical Almanac for the correct year can the position at which the observations were made be determined?
A solution to this problem can be found using the intersections of the circles of equal altitude. This method produced a very accurate position. The attached PDF contains the observed altitudes of 5 bodies taken from a fixed position along with the GHA & Declination for each body.
What is the Latitude & Longitude from which these sights taken? I will send the solution along next week.
Ron Jones