A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Frank Reed
Date: 2021 Mar 29, 13:18 -0700
In this simulated astronomical image from the very popular sci-fi series The Expanse, you can see an example of the attention to scientific detail that is one of the show's hallmarks. I would be interested to know what astronomical simulation software they have used to generate that background sky. We can see Altair, Delphinus, Sagitta, and also a key asterism that leads to Aries (in this case, I am narrowly defining it as the point with 0° SHA or 0h RA and also 0° Dec). While Aries is not quite in-frame in the image, you can extrapolate easily to where it should be using that "asterism" --a component of the constellation Aquarius.
Can you spot any other bits of astronomical lore, other asterisms, in the image? Something that looks like so _?_ but upside-down...
Frank Reed