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    Re: Can you work a Polaris problem just like any other star?
    From: Greg B
    Date: 2014 Jan 05, 01:17 -0500
    Thanks Frank, BTW Brad; I use the 'Thunderbird' e-mail program
    and if it sees any of the words; "attract", "attached" or "attachment"
    in my text it puts up a small window and asks me if I "want to attach a file now?"
    if I say no it leaves me alone until the next time I type the word, but if I say
    yes it opens a file browser so I can attach the file right then. sometimes handy,
    sometimes annoying.

    On 01/04/2014 11:57 PM, Brad Morris wrote:

    I used to forget attachments all the time.  I developed a trick that has reduced the number of instances greatly.  As soon as I write "find it in the attachments, enclosed"; I stop writing and attach it. I force myself to do it, right then. Then I go back to writing all about the attachment. 


    On Jan 4, 2014 11:42 PM, "Frank Reed" <FrankReed{at}historicalatlas.com> wrote:

    For the second time in a few days, I forgot an attachment. Grr.

    So you take the star chart, turn it until it matches the sky that you see. Then you read off the number "RA" from the top or bottom of the chart. If you read it from the top, this happens to be identical to the local sidereal time. Then you enter the table below for the correction. Easy!


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    Attached File:

    (latitude-by-polaris.png: Open and save)

    : http://fer3.com/arc/m2.aspx?i=126168

    : http://fer3.com/arc/m2.aspx?i=126169

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