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    Re: Cape Belsham
    From: Brad Morris
    Date: 2017 Feb 14, 16:50 -0500
    Hi Frank

    Thanks for answering my question about the terminology of "take departure".  I thought I remembered it right but couldn't be sure.

    You write
    I think you're reading too much into that "s" on the end of "chronometers" in one instance. Maybe Worsley sometimes thought of his watch (or whoever's watch) as "nearly a chronometer". Perhaps in discussions with Shackleton later he agreed that this was misleading.

    Worsley's Log clearly indicates that the chronometer was slow and losing seconds per day.  But Worsley also writes "fast 29" in adjusting time on Wednesday April 26th.  That does indicate some additional timepiece. It was likely not a chronometer.  But the additional timepiece is noteworthy.


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