A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Cape Belsham and Point Wild relocated on Chart 29104
From: Brad Morris
Date: 2017 Mar 21, 15:24 -0400
From: Brad Morris
Date: 2017 Mar 21, 15:24 -0400
Well played Robin!!
When they issue the update, I would really like to obtain a copy. I've already hand annotated the chart, but this is an unexpected and spectacular side effect!
On Mar 21, 2017 3:19 PM, "Robin Stuart" <NoReply_Stuart@fer3.com> wrote:
In a previous post I pointed out what I believed to be errors in the labelling of Cape Belsham and Point Wild (1916 camp site for the Shackleton expedition on Elephant Island) in Chart 29104. As a conscientious navigator I provided the information to National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) who had issued the chart. It was received with interest as apparently revisions to antarctic charts don't happen that often. It now seems they agree with me and have issued a Notice to Mariners the relocates the legends for both Cape Belsham and Point Wild to the south and east. No action so far on Gnomon Rock that should be located off the tip of Point Wild but whose legend sits orphaned off the coast of Elephant island,
Robin Stuart
Relocate Legend "Point Wild" from
61° 07.0' S 54° 53.0' W to
61° 07.3' S 54° 50.8' W
Relocate Legend "Cape Belsham" from
61° 06.1' S 54° 56.4' W to
61° 07.6' S 54° 52.2' W