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A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Andrew Nikitin
Date: 2024 Jul 7, 08:51 -0700
Under the sky where stars do beckon,
Alphecca in Corona Borealis is a jewel to reckon.
Antares in Scorpius, a heart so red,
Guiding the scorpion in the night sky spread.
Atria in Triangulum Australe's space,
Shining bright with a southern grace.
Sabik in Ophiuchus, the serpent's hold,
A healer’s light, strong and bold.
Shaula in Scorpius, the scorpion’s sting,
At the tail's end, where stars sing.
In this sky, a stellar symphony,
Alphecca, Antares, Atria, Sabik, Shaula in harmony.
Under the sky where stories weave,
Rasalhague in Ophiuchus does cleave.
Eltanin in Draco, a dragon's eye,
Watching the heavens from on high.
Kaus Australis in Sagittarius's bow,
Guiding the archer where the stars glow.
Vega in Lyra, the brightest of the lyre,
A song of light that inspires.
Nunki in Sagittarius, a southern star,
Shining brightly from afar.
In this sky, where wonders thrive,
Rasalhague, Eltanin, Kaus Australis, Vega, Nunki come alive.
Under the sky where stars inspire,
Altair in Aquila, soaring higher.
Peacock in Pavo, a southern gem,
Shining brightly, admired by them.
Deneb in Cygnus, a swan’s great star,
Guiding its wings through night’s afar.
Enif in Pegasus, the horse’s nose,
Leading the charge where the cosmos glows.
Al Na'ir in Grus, the crane’s bright guide,
Illuminating the celestial tide.
In this sky, where wonders are,
Altair, Peacock, Deneb, Enif, Al Na'ir, each a star.
Under the sky where tales are taught,
Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinus is caught.
Markab in Pegasus, a steady light,
Guiding the horse through the night.
Polaris, the North Star, steadfast and true,
Not part of the family, but closely in view.
Mintaka, Orion's belt end western tip,
On the equator's line, where stars tightly grip.
In this sky, where wonders blaze,
Fomalhaut, Markab, Polaris, Mintaka amaze.