A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Bill Ritchie
Date: 2019 Nov 28, 11:01 +0000
re / Ritchie-nov-2019-g4624
Yes, Antoine, I suspect the difference is probably due to Delta T, or possibly oblate Earth handling.
For Delta T, Astron uses the NASA formulae in
Between 2005 and 2050, this is
ΔT = 62.92 + 0.32217 * (y – 2000) + 0.005589 * (y – 2000) * (y – 2000)
Using this for 2037/11/24 14:00:00 Astron gives Delta T = 83.139.
For the years 2019-2025, Astron overrides the above with the values from the United States Naval Observatory 2019 REVIEW. (No longer accessible on USNO website). I created the polynomial
ΔT = 69.34 + 0.53 * (y - 2019) - 0.007 * (y - 2020) * (y - 2020)
which fits the review tabular values for those years within 0.01”.
For 2025/12/31 00:00:00 the NASA formula gives 75.049 and USNO review data 72.779, a difference of over 2 secs. I do not have the knowledge to extrapolate this review result to years after 2025, so Astron uses the NASA formula for the subject year, 2037.
Whilst testing this change, I made the following note.
“Separate checks on a 10 second reduction in Delta T gave an increase in GHA of around 5 seconds of arc in Moon GHA. This could become a rule of thumb! For the Moon, corresponding changes in declination will vary depending on her declination. They are around zero when declination is near maximum/minimum, increasing sinusoidally to a maximum of about 40% (occasionally 47%) of the GHA change when declination is zero.”
For oblate earth correction to parallax correction, Astron code is
const FLATTENING = 1 / 298.257223563; // WGS84 value
const LatCorr = FLATTENING * HP / MINSinDEGREE * SineD(A_LAT) * SineD(A_LAT);
(SineD is bespoke function using degrees i/o radians)
Bill Ritchie
50N 003W
re / Ritchie-nov-2019-g4624
Nice comparison indeed !
Which TT-UT (DeltaT) are each of these authors using ?
For the Moon, it seems worth knowing DeltaT in order to perform fully meaningful comparisons.