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    Re: Celestial nav course for professional mariners
    From: Brad Morris
    Date: 2017 Apr 3, 09:31 -0400
    I wrote to the school, requesting the reduction method.  Was it HO229 or HO249 or some other method.  Given the oft stated preferences on NavList, the answer from the school would prove to be interesting

    The response from the school indicates that

    "The USCG requires us to use HO-229"

    Which was the entire body of the message.


    On Apr 2, 2017 7:54 PM, "Paul Hirose" <NoReply_Hirose@fer3.com> wrote:

    A course on celestial navigation is offered by MITAGS-PMI (The Maritime
    Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies / Pacific Maritime
    Institute). The 10-day class costs $2000.
    "This course (MITPMI-114) is required by all Able Seamen upgrading to
    500/1600/3rd Mate licenses as it satisfies the OICNW training
    requirements for Celestial Navigation. The course covers the most common
    forms of position fixing by celestial bodies. Subjects for this course
    include nautical astronomy, sextant, sight reductions, time of sunset,
    time of sunrise, and star identification."
    I learned of the course yesterday while monitoring the news broadcast
    from historic coastal radio station KPH at Point Reyes, California. The
    Maritime Radio Historical Society has restored this historic station to
    the air and operates it each weekend. I think KPH is the only radio
    station in the U.S. to still handle commercial ship to shore traffic in
    Morse code.

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