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    Re: Cellphone tethering
    From: Bill Lionheart
    Date: 2016 Jun 3, 10:29 +0100

    While on the subject of what we have 'float tested' recently (for me a waterproof  uhf transeiver and winch handle and a leatherman multitool) I hope no one has done this with their sextant. As I have not yet used my metal sextant afloat what do people recommend...I have heard a camera strap suggested.


    On 3 Jun 2016 09:35, "Bob Crawley" <NoReply_Crawley@fer3.com> wrote:

    For what it's worth, about £500 in my case, I failed to use the lanyard on my beloved Garmin last year. I stood up to go forward on deck and it slipped out of my lifejacket into the sea. I know it's about 10m south of the Safe Water Mark at Levington in 6m of water. Draw your own conclusions as to whether you need to tether your gizmos. As a side issue the charts on Garmin are locked to the device so it's not just the hardware that's lost.


    Bob C

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