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    Re: Celnav apps for Android
    From: Hewitt Schlereth
    Date: 2015 May 21, 23:46 -0700
    Thanks, Andres. That did it.  Hewitt

    On May 21, 2015, at 11:41 PM, Andrés Ruiz <NoReply_AndresRuiz@fer3.com> wrote:

    Hello Hewitt,

    Set the position (see Menu: [Help] )
    • By GPS: menu option [GPS(B,L)]
    • Manually: tap a long click on the map. (Without a GPS and with WiFi you may scroll the map to your location, zoom it to a detailed scale and tap the screen with a long click.)
    Rotating the device, the mark on the map is erased.

    Hope this helps,

    2015-05-22 1:31 GMT+02:00 Hewitt Schlereth <NoReply_Schlereth@fer3.com>:

    My correct GPS position came up right away on the map automatically, but when I touched the map two red point markers appeared. How do I remove them?

    Andrés Ruiz
    Navigational Algorithms

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