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    Re: Charles H Cotter's PhD Thesis
    From: Robert H. van Gent
    Date: 2021 Apr 28, 08:35 +0000



    You can download Cotter’s 1974 thesis as a pdf (825 pages) from the EThOS website




    First create a free account, then follow the links to the download link.


    Searching with “navigation”, “nautical”, “Nautical Almanac”, etc. will lead you to some other interesting UK theses on these topics.


    Rob van Gent


    From: NavList@fer3.com <NavList@fer3.com> On Behalf Of David C
    Sent: Wed 28 April 2021 9:00
    To: Gent, R.H. van (Rob) <R.H.vanGent@uu.nl>
    Subject: [NavList] Charles H Cotter's PhD Thesis


    Quite by chance I have come across a book rerview - I should call it microfiche review - of an 856 page thesis by Charles H Cotter for a PhD in 1975.  The thesis was  titled "A History of Nautical Astronomical Tables" and was was published on ten mcrofiche. I did not know that Cotter had a doctorate.  As the reviewer asks - Captain Doctor or Doctor Captain?


    I am keen to  read his thesis as it is about my prime area of interest. Does anyone know if it is available online? I admit that I have not yet tried google.

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