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    Re: Comedy on the Greenwich Meridian
    From: Doug Faunt
    Date: 2020 Jun 15, 21:51 -0700
    She did one on GOLDEN HINDE sometime back.  One person I know didn't get it.
    Best, dou

    On Mon, Jun 15, 2020, 21:46 Doug Faunt <NoReply_DougFaunt@fer3.com> wrote:
    I laughed.

    On Mon, Jun 15, 2020, 19:46 Frank Reed <NoReply_FrankReed@fer3.com> wrote:

    Here's Philomena Cunk (*) on Time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvpbW7JRu0Q. Some of you will find this incredibly annoying, which is part of the joke. But come on, how often does John Harrison turn up in a comedy sketch?!

    *Philomena Cunk is not a real person. She's a character created by Diane Morgan.

    Frank Reed

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