A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Compare Methods: Lat/Lon Near Noon
From: Ed Popko
Date: 2021 Oct 2, 07:31 -0700
From: Ed Popko
Date: 2021 Oct 2, 07:31 -0700
Your note is a big help in clarifying the second pass on Time/Ho sights to improve the accuracy of the LAN prediction. I greatly appreciate your looking at this MOO question and posting a nice paper on this topic.
I credit Gary LaPook and his many posts on air nav and later the Polhmus Celestial Computer threads with emphasizing MOO and MOB corrections and their associated tables in various Air Nav pubs. The algorithms are very simple and wonderfuly applicable to sea vessels that travel at much lower speeds. They are great ways to advance or retard a LOP. And now, they find another use with Lat/Lon Near Noon LAN refinements.