A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Tony Oz
Date: 2017 Mar 16, 05:41 -0700
Do I get it right?
All SR methods (the Law of Cosines, Bygrave's, Ageton's, Doniol's, etc) feature the same exactness and accuracy - provided I use them electronically, with, say, ten decimal places or better - on a computer or a pocket calculator. It only matters when I try implementing them with 4~6 decimal places tables. Only then some angles may have values to avoid - because the tables will I use do not have high enough resolution in certain ranges. Right?
If so, are there any two tabular methods that have their "greyed-out" ranges not overlapping with each other, I mean - if one tabular method cannot cope with the given data set - the other one would work with it OK (but still fail with some other input values, where the first one works OK)?
What are such pairs?
Please comment.