A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: David Pike
Date: 2025 Mar 13, 10:35 -0700
Dave Walden you wrote "On amazon, found a kindle version of the CPU-48 P (VAID) manual of operating instructions. Just what I needed."
I could find nothing on Amazon or Kindle. Please send a link. I suspect you might have bought the instructions for this device https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/computer-air-navigation-bomng-type-1997392327 , which is much more sophisticated than the device pictured in your first post. However, I stand ready to be corrected. Also, there appear to be some functions common to both devices, so perhaps you'll be able to use the CPU-48 P operating instructions with your R-1. Here is a link to a photograph of the RAF bombing angle computer used to check the automatic bombsight readings. It looks very like the one they gave me to hold, look important, and pretend to understand. Also attached is a photograph of the V Force ‘last resort’ bombing protractor designed to fit neatly into the face of an H2S radar screen. You used it when you had a radar picture of the ground below and nothing else. DaveP