A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Marty Lyons
Date: 2014 Oct 2, 16:47 -0700
Well, thanks to all for good advice. For time I use a digital kitchen timer set by the time on website. I have checked with WWV on the phone and it's spot on. I recheck the kitchen timer and reset it before each set of shots, Usually its pretty good. It seems to slow about 2 seconds every 3 days. I have had someone time me from the time I say Mark until the time I grab and start the stopwatch and it is consistenly about two seconds, which I account for. I have now refined my sun technique, whereby, I set some overlap in the images using the micrometer drum, hold the stopwatch in the left hand bracing the sextant, and click the stopwatch when perfect tangency occurs, I then round my stopwatch interval time down to the nearest second to make up for my reaction time. Seems more accurate than reaching for the stopwatch and clicking. I will get some raw data and post.