A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Conversion of Mark IX bubble sextant to surface use.
From: Bill Morris
Date: 2021 May 27, 17:59 -0700
From: Bill Morris
Date: 2021 May 27, 17:59 -0700
I suspect many buyers of bubble sextants hope to use them at sea as a cheap substitute for a conventional sextant. They will be disappointed by the results .In a moment of boredom I recently dug out of the scrap box a partial Mark IX bubble sextant which someone had converted for surface use. With a few tweaks of my own I have managed to arrive at something that might actually be useful at sea. I give some details of the conversion here: https://sextantbook.com/?s=Conversion+mark+IX
Caveat: I am no sailor.
Bill Moris
New Zealand