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    Re: Cotter's "History of Nautical Astronomy" on ebay
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2018 Jan 10, 10:22 -0800

    I have that pristine copy of Cotter's History of Nautical Astronomy up for sale on ebay again (ends in ten hours). Find it here.

    Meanwhile, I have scanned the dust jacket and combined it with an earlier pdf of this book to produce a nice digital copy for us 21st-century digerati who find no need for old-fashioned paper books. I'm also including here the document that was originally compiled by George Huxtable and Jan Kalivoda with contributions by Herbert Prinz listing some items which they considered to be errata in Cotter's book. Some of these are straight-forward errors in the text, but others are matters of interpretation. Be warned that while there is plenty that's useful and thought-provoking in Cotter's History of Nautical Astronomy, an awful lot of the math is badly explained, and a few chapters, especially the one on lunars, are just a mess. Nevertheless, if you're at all interested in the history of celestial navigation or the mathematics of celestial navigation, this book is referenced so often that you can't escape it!

    Frank Reed
    Clockwork Mapping / ReedNavigation.com
    Conanicut Island USA




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