A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Lu Abel
Date: 2017 Mar 3, 10:33 -0800
I was at the US Power Squadrons national meeting last week (recreational boating group, NavList's Stan Klein was also there).
One of the things I like about attending this 1000+ person meeting is that you meet all sorts of interesting people.
I was sitting in a little rest area (couch and some chairs) in the conference center when another member came bye and sat down. We chatted for a while and he disclosed he was a retired US Air Force officer and had been a KC-135 in-flight refueling tanker pilot. I asked him if he had ever done any transoceanic flights. "Yes, eight transatlantic and four transpacific" He looked to be in his late 60s or beyond, so I said "and you had to use celestial, GPS wasn't around yet?" "Yep, depended on a good navigator"
Then, with a twinkle in his eye he said "You know the easiest transoceanic flight?" "No" "It's Hawaii back to the US mainland. You just steer 090 and turn your radio on. If you hear French, turn right. If you hear Spanish, turn left!" :D
(Apologies to our Canadian members, I know there's not a lot of French spoken in British Columbia)