A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Tracy Shrier
Date: 2019 Mar 26, 18:43 -0700
Dear Alan and Ed,
Just saw your recent posts under the CPU-300 title, but talking about the CPU-50A/P. I was fortunate to collect a -50A/P off ebay last year in good condition and with instructions.
Back in the day, if you found yourself motoring into bear country in a big beautiful Buff, 30 or 40 thousand feet and 450 some knots, slinging a pair of GAM-77's, you had to optimize and align the missle's astrotracker before sending it. Out came the navigator and his trusty CPU-50A/P.....
I've scanned the instructions and set up the paragraph 3. star field of view problem and the paragraph 4. Sun trackability problem with pictures attached. It is a pretty instrument with the Sun eliptic and months added to the base, but not as easy as the -300 for planning sextant sights because of the astrotracker overlay.