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    Re: Davis MK15 light mod possible?
    From: Paul Dolkas
    Date: 2021 Apr 23, 16:07 +0000



    If you (or anybody) is interested, I can take some measurements and post the plans. Basically, you have to make a small rectangular piece out of ½’ thick clear plastic. You then paint most of it white, then black on top of that. This is glued onto the sextant gear housing. The little led light goes in the other  end and is attached to the sextant with a Velcro patch.





    From: NavList@fer3.com [mailto:NavList@fer3.com] On Behalf Of Paul Dolkas
    Sent: Monday, April 19, 2021 10:30 PM
    To: Paul Dolkas <paul@dolkas.net>
    Subject: [NavList] Re: Davis MK15 light mod possible?


    Darcy – I added a light to mine – the tricky part was coming up with a light tube to get the light where it is needed as opposed to all over the place. I used one of those small “Photon” LED lights for a source.


    Paul Dolkas

    650 464 5106


    From: NavList@fer3.com [mailto:NavList@fer3.com] On Behalf Of Darcy Paul
    Sent: Monday, April 12, 2021 1:15 PM
    To: Paul Dolkas <paul@dolkas.net>
    Subject: [NavList] Davis MK15 light mod possible?


    Hello everyone,

    I just picked up a Davis MK15. Poking around I found there was a MK20 at one time, only difference is the led light. I see mine is made from the same molds as the MK25. Is there any reason a led light can't 'Carefully' be added? Has anyone? Or have you seen or heard of anyone doing it?





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