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    Re: Davis MK15 light mod possible?
    From: Paul Dolkas
    Date: 2021 Sep 1, 04:58 +0000

    Darcy (or anybody else who is interested)-


    I got the SLA back from Shapeways, so it’s available if you still want it.   Is anybody else interested in adding a light to your Davis Mk 15?





    Paul Dolkas

    650 464 5106




    From: NavList@fer3.com [mailto:NavList@fer3.com] On Behalf Of Paul Dolkas
    Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2021 10:00 PM
    To: Paul Dolkas <paul@dolkas.net>
    Subject: [NavList] Re: Davis MK15 light mod possible?




    I took some measurements and  was drawing this up when it occurred to me that the easiest way to make this is to have it 3-D printed out of clear or translucent plastic. That will save you from having to scrounge up the plastic & glue the pieces together. So I created the model on CAD and uploaded it to Shapeways and it would cost them $7.50 to print it up plus probably a few more to ship it. That’s probably about as much as if you went out & bought the plastic yourself. What you would have to do is trim it with a file (if it needs it) & paint it  with model paint. Then you glue it onto the sextant with 5 min epoxy & add the Velcro patch for the little Photon LED light.


    Does that sound like it might work? Here are the shots of the 3-D model. The black areas you paint first with white paint to  make it reflective on the inside, then black paint on the outside. The red areas you keep unpainted





    From: NavList@fer3.com [mailto:NavList@fer3.com] On Behalf Of Paul Dolkas
    Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2021 12:15 AM
    To: Paul Dolkas <paul@dolkas.net>
    Subject: [NavList] Re: Davis MK15 light mod possible?



    Sorry this took so long - I will sketch something up this weekend and send it to you.







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