A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: The "Death to the Intercept Method" revisited?
From: Herbert Prinz
Date: 2017 Sep 7, 13:19 -0700
From: Herbert Prinz
Date: 2017 Sep 7, 13:19 -0700
You said "the problem of the intersection of two CoPs was solve° by Gauss, before Dowes, Bodenez, or Gery".
What do you mean? Any surveyor or astronomer of the 19th century would have known how to do this. This was their daily bread and it was probably part of some exam required to pass "Sperical Trigonometry 101", in Göttingen just like elswhere in the world. Were you trying to say that he found a method that had not been published beforehand? What was it?
(I checked the two links in your post, but no reference to Gauss there.)