A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: John D. Howard
Date: 2018 Aug 12, 08:41 -0700
No map or chart is best for all uses. That being said, the Mercator is not good for many, modern, applacations. IMO
Any map is OK for small area - you would not notice a difference ( not talking about artic - another whole ball of wax ) but large area is where the differences show. You say you like radar. You cannot plot a radar bearing on a Mercator chart. Any bearing from an electronic device ie. RDF, or VOR ( an aircraft navaid ) can't be plotted because they are great circle. Even a visual sight is great circle but is short distance so any projection will do.
I have flown over 50 years and in all that time never used a Mercator chart. All aircraft charts ( that I used ) were Lambert Conformal Conic, both Air Force and civilian. The military TPC charts are 1 : 500,000 and the larger ONCs are 1 : 1,000,000 The civilian Low Altitude Enroute by Jeppesen are also Lambert. ( Looking at my old charts I see I did use a Mercator once but it was a Transver Mercator between New Zeeland and Antarticia )
Because airplanes fly high our visual range is much greater and because most navigation is done using electronic aids the need to plot a bearing onto the chart was needed. Early on ( early 20th C. ) pilots used marine charts but very rapidly developed avation charts - most in the Lambert Conformal Conic projection.
Just my view from the pilot's seat.
John H