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    Re: Degrees and minutes vs decimal degrees and the DailyPages
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2015 Oct 17, 11:06 -0700

    I agree with John.  It’s purely a matter of convenience and the form the information comes in, appears in the tables, or needs to go out.  In the air I’d use degrees and minutes for the reasons stated by John.  Last week, I was working with 10 year olds using hand held GNSS sets.  I didn’t want to waste time explaining about degrees, minutes and seconds if they weren’t already familiar with them.  Instead, we used the GNSS readouts set to five decimal places of degrees, which they were happy with.  I soon found that it also meant that to move to an exact position, e.g. due south of an earlier position, moving roughly one metre moved the fifth decimal place by one unit (1.1m for latitude, 0.7m for longitude at 53N).  DaveP

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