A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Degrees and minutes vs decimal degreesandtheDaily Pages
From: Fred Hebard
Date: 2015 Oct 20, 12:18 -0400
From: Fred Hebard
Date: 2015 Oct 20, 12:18 -0400
One of the nice things about celestial nav the old fashioned way is that the blunders remind us we are but frail humans, not the gods of perfection we imagine ourselves to be when not practicing cel nav!
Fred Hebard
On Oct 20, 2015, at 12:02 PM, Gary LaPook <> wrote:DUH!!How embarrassing, I knew that. I got the 50 seconds right which shows that you can read the vernier itself accurately which is what we were actually discussing. When I read my sextant I always do it twice. starting over from the beginning each time, "the index is between the 30 and 40, it's almost lined up with the '4', the micrometer is between the '50' and zero, the marks increase in this direction so the micrometer must be on '54' so the reading must b 33-54, not 34-54." I go through this process twice to avoid the type of blunder I made with the example
From: Brad Morris <>
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 11:22 PM
Subject: [NavList] Re: Degrees and minutes vs decimal degrees andtheDaily Pages
Gary,The vernier is marked every 2' not every 1'The Nonius is on 50° 10'
The vernier aligns at 1'50"
The resultant reading should be 50°11'50"BradOn Oct 19, 2015 7:56 PM, "Gary LaPook" <> wrote:30° 10' 50"gl
From: Norm Goldblatt <>
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 2:37 PM
Subject: [NavList] Re: Degrees and minutes vs decimal degrees and theDaily Pages
Here's a nice photo thru the mag glass on my sextant. Check the precision. End of story! HAHA.
Attached File:
(f1-vernier-.JPG: Open and save)