A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: David C
Date: 2020 Jul 20, 19:30 -0700
Here is my attempt at the problem.
Wellington 41° 16.706' S 174° 46.6' E
Auckland 36 ° 50.9' S 174° 45.7' E
dlat 4° 25.7' = 265.7'
dlong 0.9'
Mean lat 38° 38.8'
From Norie mean lat to middle lat -14'
Hence middle lat = 38° 24.8'
dep = 0.9 x cos (38° 24.8') = 0.7'
Bearing = arc tan ( 265.7/0.7) = 89.9°
Distance - 265.7/sin (89°.9,) = 265.7 to 3 decimal places.
Next I performed a rough sanity check with google-earth which gave distance 271 nm, bearing 0°
The dip from Wellington to Auckland is therefore 4° 25.7' /2 = 2° 12.9'
From google I found that distance - 2 R sin (subtended angle). Assune a perfect sphere R = 3444 nm.
d = 2 x 3444 x sin (2° 12.9') = 266nm
But this is the length of the rumb line!!!!!!!! There are two possible explanations - the small subtended angle requires that I work to a higher resolution or I have made a big blunder.