A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Distance off, by sextant angle
From: Robert VanderPol II
Date: 2019 Jul 18, 09:48 -0700
From: Robert VanderPol II
Date: 2019 Jul 18, 09:48 -0700
What are ctg and tg? Cotangent and tangent?
Bob II
In metric units the formula behind that method is:
- dist[m] = HoE[m]·ctg(dip+α) = HoE[m] / tg(dip+α)
where α is the angle between the waterline of the object and the horizon behind the object; the dip is the familiar HoE correction angle taken arithmetically (without the sign).