A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: John D. Howard
Date: 2016 Nov 3, 12:04 -0700
A lot of folk get confused with t and LHA.
LHA is measured from you to the planet ( or star, moon, and sun ) Westward. If Jupter was about 3 d. GHA and you are about 66 d. 30 m. West then Jupter is 296 d. 30 m. WEST of you ie LHA is 296 d. 30 m.
t is measured east or west of you. Jupter is about 63 d. 30 m. EAST of you so would be t = 63 d. 30 m. East
LHA does not have a name but t is named east or west. Longitude also has names - east and west but when adding and subtracting from GHA ( which is not named ) WEST is NEGATIVE.
Do the math on the worksheet using 66 d. 30 m. west as -66 d 30 m
People tend to work sight reduction as a abstract math problem but cel-nav is a hands-on art. Think about doing the sight, not just the math and formulas. Standing where you were was Jupter east of you or west? Were you looking more north or south? Don't work a sight as a math problem. Even if you are useing practice data stop and think what the sky would look like and where you would be looking.
Hope this helps.
John H.