A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Frank Reed
Date: 2014 Jan 30, 13:34 -0800
Dave Walden, You wrote:
"+1 for "I like ICE" "
Awww, that's neat. :)
But that wasn't what I asked. I was just curious if there are features of ICE that you can describe that make it useful. What features are found in ICE that you can't find in modern software? Is it just the output format (which is duplicated in online tools from USNO)? Obviously anything that was difficult to do TWENTY-FIVE years ago and required the skills of USNO staff is dead easy today and could be incorporated into modern tools. What are those features? Let's be honest: ICE is insanely old-fashioned software. By even the most generous standards, it's a piece of junk. Even so, we sometimes find scrap gold in junk piles.
And you wrote:
"+1 for keeping "how to run ICE on your iphone" alive. I missed the chance to get the full DOS emulator for my Ipod, so it looks like I'm stuck with no ICE."
You misunderstood my earlier point. There are FAR BETTER places on the Internet to get advice on emulators. Sure, you might get some basic advice from a NavList member after a few days, but a trivial Google search will turn up better information in a few seconds. Just try "iPhone DosBox" and see how long it takes you to find the keyword "jailbreak".
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