A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Andrés Ruiz
Date: 2009 Sep 25, 14:48 +0200
Enviado el: viernes, 25 de
septiembre de 2009 14:25
Asunto: [NavList 9917] Re: Assumed
positions, WAS: IN HONOR OF JEREMY...
Antoine writes:
In France both in the Military Navy
and Civilian Merchant Navy (most of the Merchant Navy Instructors come from the
Military) , such problem has long been known as Douwes's problem. To the best
of my memories, M. Douwe was a Dutch Navigator of the XIX (?) th century who
reportedly had already spent a lot of thoughts about tackling this subject. I
do not think he did find the exact solution.
My response:
Thanks Antoine, this is the first time I heard about Douwes. I found a couple
of relevant links:
Antoine continues:
By 1980 I had devised on my own 3 independent methods of dealing with this, and
I did have to wait until then to successfully run them on my (third type of)
calculator. One of these methods had I already "invented" some 6 or 7
years earlier when at the French Naval Academy. I had painstakingly but
eventually and successfully run only one example then in early 1974 but it had
taken me over 10 hours of "manual" computation. I even made a (quite
proud) presentation about my method and results to my fellows and instructors
who found it ... "interesting indeed, but maybe (or "hopefully"
would say the nicest ones in the audience) of some practical interest the
future " ... Why such unexpected reaction and feelings ? Simply because WE
My response:
Such tedium can be bypassed to some degree if the problem can be reduced to
some standardized form. Then its solutions can be calculated once and
tabulated for practical use on a sufficiently fine grid. So I suppose
nobody has printed any "Douwes sight-reduction tables."
Peter Hakel
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