A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Early Land Navigation.
From: Henry Halboth
Date: 2015 Feb 11, 00:38 -0500
From: Henry Halboth
Date: 2015 Feb 11, 00:38 -0500
Sextant looks a lot like a vernier Plath to me.
On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 9:51 AM, Greg Rudzinski <> wrote:
Here is a link to a trailer for Operation Grand Canyon. Sam Willis did some darn good GoPro video on this. See the sextant being used at second 14 to 18. Can anyone identify the make?
Greg Rudzinski
From: Don Seltzer
Date: 2015 Feb 10, 09:19 -0500Two years ago, historian Sam Willis stopped by this forum for advice on land navigation. He was about to participate in a re-enactment of the 1869 Powell Expedition down the Colorado River, through the Grand Canyon. He was hoping to use a sextant to take some readings, but was faced with the same problem of a high summer sun and an artificial horizon. The expedition was co-sponsored by the Discovery Channel and BBC, but I don't think the program ever aired in the US. I don't know if he succeeded in taking any sightings. Don Seltzer