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    Re: Eight day aircraft clock
    From: Greg Rudzinski
    Date: 2015 Oct 8, 19:14 -0700


    The original 8 day Thommen clock was gaining between 2 and 8 seconds per day. Gaining more on very hot days and gaining less on cooler days. At sea with more constant temperatures I would expect the daily rate to vary less from a mean. A two week average rate would probably do well for a few weeks if there was no way to do time ticks. 

    The Citizen Eco-Drive quartz models charge an internal battery/capacitor from the dial face solar cell. When new it is a good idea to put the watch in sunlight for a few days to bring the charge up to full before rating. Mine has been doing very well losing only a second per month. 

    Greg Rudzinski

    From: Hewitt Schlereth
    Date: 2015 Oct 8, 15:16 -0700

    Greg, how was it doing prior to its untimely demise?
    PS I reset my Citizen and after 4 days off-wrist it's still spot-on. 
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