A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Ellipse of Confidence in position finding
From: Andrés Ruiz
Date: 2019 Mar 21, 09:44 +0100
From: Andrés Ruiz
Date: 2019 Mar 21, 09:44 +0100
for example in:
Navigation and Piloting. Dutton. 14th ed. ISBN: 0-87021-157-9
Manual de Navegación. Martínez Jiménez, Enrique, 1978. ISBN: 84-400-5327-4Manual de Nautica
The high_altitudes.obs file is an example that comes with my Navigation software. See high_altitudes.png
El lun., 18 mar. 2019 a las 23:02, David Pike (<>) escribió:
Obviously if you are close enough for the GP to be on your plotting sheet you can draw a circle of position.
I’m sure that many years ago I saw an example of this in a book. It was a fix from just one body, the Sun, passing close overhead, and it was called a ‘zenith fix’. However, today I can find no mention of it either on-line or in any of my books including Lecky, where I was sure I must have seen it. Am I dreaming again? DaveP