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    Re: Erasing E6-B and Polhemus Plots
    From: Mike Burkes
    Date: 2018 Mar 10, 11:32 -0800

    Hi folks,never thought I would see this post but very cool and some great tips by you folks. My dad and myself having aviation in my blood and E6B always around here is me 2 cents worth; I use the moist finger method and works equally well on frosty and not so frosty surfaces. I have encountered slick surfaces that don't take pencil marks too well and an excellent solution is a water soluble marker which easily erases with moist finger and or moist cloth. A new E6B has a very frosted surface and there's where you folks' super erasures work. Also a little Vaseline helps as a Jeppesen CR manual suggests. The slick surfaces can be refinished with 400 or 600 sandpaper enabling pencil marks but you may want to test on the edges where there will be little use. Thanks for plodding thru my boring stuff and HTH. 

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