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    Re: Estimating horizon from a photo on a clear night
    From: Gary LaPook
    Date: 2024 Dec 14, 11:17 -0800


    You could wait for the moon to rise!

    I posted this before:

    "In addition to the normal shots, I also took a series of shots in the middle of the night with the horizon illuminated by moonlight. On November 3, 2009 at 18° 39' north, 40° 36' west between 0024 Z and 0039 Z I shot Fomalhaut, Deneb and Vega three times each. The intercepts were .3T; 0.3A; 1.3T; 1.5A; 1.5T; 1.6A; 2.5A; 2.6T; and 3.8A making the σ 2.08 for these 9 shots taken in the middle of the night! Have others tried this?"

    I never received any responses.

    I repeat my question, has anybody else tried this too?

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