A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Examples of cocked hat far from equilateral
From: Bill Lionheart
Date: 2019 Feb 4, 10:07 +0000
From: Bill Lionheart
Date: 2019 Feb 4, 10:07 +0000
I was planning to make a video to go through the construction of the symmedian point (most probable point) and a probability ellipse using ruler and compasses. I thought I would record of a "visualizer" that we have in lecture rooms. To show it to good effect I thought it would be good to have a real example of a fix from three celestial bodies with the azimuths such that the triangle is very much NOT an equilateral triangle. To make it simple I would prefer them to be at approximately the same time instead of a running fix, as a running fix would have greater uncertainty. I am on land at the moment and it is very overcast. I thought an option would be to do three observation of the sun with an artificial horizon at different times. Perhaps that is a better option, but I thought it would be neater to do it with a more realistic example. A published example in a book on cel nav might be a possibility, as long as it was n't "rigged" to be close to equilateral! Thanks in advance for any suggestions. Bill Lionheart