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    Re: Excel for sight reductions
    From: Bill Lionheart
    Date: 2024 Oct 7, 16:03 +0100

    I think the simple and traditional way is just to use a separate cell
    for H M S or  hours and decimal minutes see eg
    I am not sure if it is worth doing it in a more elaboborate way in a
    spreadsheet.  For example you could write a VBA function, but probably
    next year it wont work anyway where
    as simple arithmetic and logic in cells will likely work for longer,
    and as well in OpenOffice as MS Excel
    On Sun, 6 Oct 2024 at 11:46, NavList Community  wrote:
    > Excel for sight reductions
    > From: Phil N
    > Date: 2024 Oct 6, 00:04 -0700
    > Nearly 50years ago I learnt how to take and calculate a position from a 
    noonsight as a cruiser kid. I'm finally back cruising and have picked up the 
    sextant again after forgetting most of what I had learnt as a 10year old. 
    Throughout my working life as a consulting engneer I have worked a lot in 
    excel, so figured a good way to gain a thorough understanding of the sight 
    reduction process was to build an excel spreadsheet.
    > I distilled down all the steps given the in a very helpful guide I had found 
    and then struck a problem. How to format excel cells for 
    degrees/minutes/decimal minutes (DMD)?
    > Anyone else written or used an excel spreadsheet and can provide advice/an 
    example or is it necessary for me to use degrees and decimal degrees (DD)?
    > TIA
    > Phil

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