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    Excel for sight reductions
    From: Phil N
    Date: 2024 Oct 6, 00:04 -0700

    Nearly 50years ago I learnt how to take and calculate a position from a noonsight as a cruiser kid. I'm finally back cruising and have picked up the sextant again after forgetting most of what I had learnt as a 10year old. Throughout my working life as a consulting engneer I have worked a lot in excel, so figured a good way to gain a thorough understanding of the sight reduction process was to build an excel spreadsheet. 

    I distilled down all the steps given the in a very helpful guide I had found and then struck a problem. How to format excel cells for degrees/minutes/decimal minutes (DMD)?

    Anyone else written or used an excel spreadsheet and can provide advice/an example or is it necessary for me to use degrees and decimal degrees (DD)?




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