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    Re: Excel for sight reductions
    From: Phil N
    Date: 2024 Oct 8, 15:20 -0700

    Hi all and thanks for the multiple responses,

    Just to clarify, the issue I had found was in formatting a cell as Deg, Min, Decimal Degrees (DMD). I could also work with DMS but not sure how to set up a formatting in excel (other than a non-operable text format) that would show (say) 125°30.4' 

    A simple example of what I'd like to do is to take an altitude (say) 62°30.2' and subtract a correction (say) 0.8' and get a result (say) 62°29.4' 

    This functionality seems to be available for time (at least as a HHMMSS) which is close but HH is limited to 24

    Obviously I could go to Degrees and decimal degrees (DD) and just use as a decimal number, I just thought Excel might be smarter than that..... 

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