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    Re: Excel for sight reductions
    From: Sean C
    Date: 2024 Oct 6, 17:29 -0700


    Let's say your decimal degree data is in cell A1. You can then use the following formula:


    ... NB the last bit is a double quote followed by a single quote and then another double quote. The degree symbol can be typed by holding [Alt] and typing [2][4][8] on the number pad (in Excel and anywhere else).

    If you want to make sure that say, 54°09' is displayed instead of 54°9', you can use the following:


    I have a free celnav Excel spreadsheet on my website. You should be able to unprotect all of the visible sheets to see how they work. You can also open Visual Basic and see the 32 macros I use. If you like, I can send you an unlocked version that will allow you to see all 17 sheets and 58,505 formulas in the workbook. You can contact me via email through my website or you can send a message to Shawn at my website name.


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