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    Re: FAA-H-8083-18 - Flight Navigator Handbook
    From: Gary LaPook
    Date: 2013 Jun 17, 10:34 -0700

    --- On Mon, 6/17/13, Andrés Ruiz <navigationalalgorithms@gmail.com> wrote:

    From: Andrés Ruiz <navigationalalgorithms@gmail.com>
    Subject: [NavList] Re: FAA-H-8083-18 - Flight Navigator Handbook
    To: garylapook@pacbell.net
    Date: Monday, June 17, 2013, 5:55 AM

    Thanks Gary for the information, very illustrative videos.
    Two questions:
    - Could you give references about current aircraft sextant manufacturers?

    Nobody makes them anymore.

    - Without an autopilot an aircraft bubble sextant is suitable for shooting when the pilot and the navigator is the same person?.

    Yes. Note your heading then you level the wings, put the sextant to you eye, start the averager, follow the star for a few seconds, level the wings again back on heading, start shooting again note the ending heading so you can apply the "wander correction" if necessary. It works better in smooth air or with a copilot or autopilot. I took most of my in flight shots with an A-10A and I took some sights where more than half of the averager disk had marks showing that the instantaneous readings had ranged more than two degrees due to turbulence but still ended up with a usable average altitude. Almost all of my sights were taken while I was flying solo, only  few with a copilot, and not many with an autopilot.


    Andrés Ruiz
    Navigational Algorithms

    : http://fer3.com/arc/m2.aspx?i=124378

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